Item Coversheet


Shakopee City Council
March 7, 2017

FROM:Bruce Loney
TO:Mayor and Council Members
Approve Resolution 7845, Approving the plans and specifications and ordering the advertisement of bids for Project 2017-3.
Policy/Action Requested:
The plans have been prepared and ready for obtaining bids this spring and approving Resolution 7845 moves this project forward.
Staff recommends authorizing the plans from BMI for the sewer extension from
CSAH 16 to the Whispering Oaks lift station.
The purpose of this project is to remove the Whispering Oaks lift station and the sewage flow into Savage. The City of Savage has requested this change as per to the previous approved agreement. This project will install the extension of sewer by directional drilling and open trench excavation methods. Also, the project will restore the pavements on Muhlenhardt Road and Horizon Drive. In order to construct the improvements, there will be road closures at different times requiring detours. Staff will be notifying the residents being affected on the traffic street closures.
Budget Impact:
Project affects the Sanitary Sewer fund.  The current construction estimate is $708,000.00. 
Resolution 7845
Plan Title Sheet